Can soft musical toys be washed in the washing machine?

Is it possible to wash soft musical toys in the washing machine?Almost every family has plush toys with musical accompaniment. But behind the beauty and softness of such “pets” there is a danger - microbes and dust mites accumulating in the fabric, which, if in close contact, harm the child. There are two options: either throw it away or clean it.

The problem is that you cannot wash soft musical toys in the washing machine in the usual way - after being in the water they will stop singing. Let's figure out how to get rid of dirt and not spoil the “singing” bear.

Be sure to prepare the toy for washing

If the toy “sings,” then it has a special sound-reproducing module inside. This is a miniature rectangular or square box made of plastic or silicone, which can be easily felt through the padding and textiles. This is how the mechanism works: a person presses on it, the contact closes, and the recorded music starts.

The problem is that any music module is equipped with a speaker, which in turn necessarily has holes for sound output. When wet, water penetrates the board through the mentioned “holes” and jams it irrevocably. There is only one way to protect the toy - remove the plastic box before washing. We proceed like this:

  • we feel for the module;
  • we find the seam closest to it and carefully rip it apart;
  • pull out the module through the hole made;
  • superficially sew the seam so that when washing the filling does not come out of the hole;
  • put the toy in the drum and start the wash;
  • at the end of the program, take out the “pet” and dry it;
  • We rip out the washed and dried toy in the old place, return the module and apply a “clean” seam.

It is necessary to return the music module to a dried toy, otherwise the moisture remaining in the padding will penetrate to the board and ruin it.

Removing the module is only the initial stage of preparing to wash a toy with music in a washing machine. In addition, the product must be inspected for defects, torn elements, loosely sewn buttons and loose stuffing. If this is the case, it means that “repairs” are required before loading into the drum.remove the sound module

It is advisable to place all washable plush pets in a special washing bag. This way the toys will be safe, especially if there are glued or loosely sewn fittings. Particular attention is paid to existing contaminants. All strong stains must be treated locally with bleach or stain remover. In advanced cases, soaking and a soft brush are indicated.

The nuances of automatic washing

To ensure that washing a soft musical toy goes without surprises, several nuances must be taken into account before manipulation. First, make sure that the manufacturer has authorized automatic cleaning - there should be a corresponding icon on the label. Secondly, make sure that the bear’s filler is not natural. Otherwise you will have to work dry with soda. There are a few more nuances.

  1. Only safe detergents should be added to the machine, for example, gel for washing children's clothes.
  2. It is better to focus on the permitted temperature range - 30-60 degrees.The washing temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees
  3. You should only select a delicate wash program.
  4. Be sure to re-rinse.

Before washing, read the label on the product - the manufacturer indicates the optimal conditions for cleaning on it.

It is better to turn off the automatic spin and squeeze the toy by hand. Plush pets are dried in a vertical hanging position in the fresh air. It is advisable not to delay the drying process to prevent the formation of mold and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

And a few more tips

Experienced housewives recommend taking note of a few more useful tips when washing soft musical toys. With their help, you can secure the process, identify low-quality items and completely get rid of dust mites. These are the following instructions:

  • dust mites die at extreme temperatures: either heating above 60 degrees or freezing;
  • wash toys separately from other things;
  • When rinsing, it is better to add a little conditioner;add conditioner when washing
  • knitted toys are dried horizontally, wrapped in a dry terry towel;
  • old toys are given to the child only after a full wash;
  • do not dry on heating devices;
  • After washing, plush and knitted items become combed and fluffy.

If you follow all the above recommendations, the toy can be washed without deformation or loss of color. If the bear has faded, it means that the product was initially of poor quality and contained toxic substances. It is better to get rid of the “pet” and not risk the baby’s health.


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