Bosch dishwasher pump repair

Bosch dishwasher pump repairIf the Bosch dishwasher's rocker arms stop rotating, most likely the reason for this is a failed circulation pump. Many users face a similar problem. Can I fix the machine myself or will I have to contact a service center? Let's look into the nuances.

We remove the pump from the PMM

You can cope with repairing the dishwasher pump yourself, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions for action. To repair the part, you will have to partially disassemble the PMM body. Before starting work, be sure to turn off the power to the dishwasher.

All Bosch dishwashers are disassembled in almost the same way. During the work you will need:

  • TORX T20 screwdriver;TORX T20 screwdriver
  • TORX T15 star screwdriver;
  • wrench 17;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • pliers.

Having prepared all the necessary tools, you can begin dismantling. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • unplug the Bosch dishwasher power cord from the outlet;
  • disconnect the PMM from the water supply and sewerage;
  • open the dishwasher door, remove all the baskets from the machine;upper and lower dish baskets
  • remove the screws that secure the dishwasher to the kitchen unit (they are located on the side walls of the hopper);
  • close the PMM door;
  • remove the lower false panel of the kitchen unit;
  • Using a 17mm wrench, unscrew the legs of the dishwasher so that the entire machine goes down;twist the legs of the PMM
  • remove the dishwasher from the cabinet;
  • open the PMM and unscrew the filter located at the bottom of the washing chamber;
  • remove the filter element, blot the water in the hole with a dry cloth;unscrew the dishwasher filter
  • remove the decorative trim of the door opening mechanism;
  • Unscrew the screws holding the side panel of the dishwasher and move it to the side;
  • pull the ropes of the PMM door opening tensioner towards you and remove them from the mechanism;Bosch dishwasher door adjustment
  • turn the machine around on the other side, also remove the false panel and tensioners;
  • turn the dishwasher upside down;
  • Unscrew the two screws holding the lower false panel of the dishwasher, located at the front of the cabinet, and move the part to the side;
  • Use pliers to pry the clamp on the filler pipe and disconnect the hose;
  • unhook the drain and inlet hose mounting panel from the body;
  • disconnect the Aquastop connector;aquastop in the dishwasher tray
  • Having dealt with the latches, lift the lower part of the dishwasher body;
  • Unfasten the float end at the bottom of the dishwasher;
  • remove the lower part of the PMM housing;
  • loosen the water and sewer hoses;
  • disconnect the electrical connectors from the circulation pump;circulation pump repair
  • disconnect all water pipes from the pump;
  • remove the circulation pump.

As you can see, in order to get to the circulation pump of a Bosch dishwasher and dismantle it, you will have to almost completely disassemble the body. During the work, you can take photo tips so as not to make mistakes during reassembly. Next, you can begin diagnosing the pump.

Repairing the pump

Further actions are aimed at diagnosing and repairing the circulation heat pump of the Bosch dishwasher. It will be necessary to disassemble the part. First, the upper part of the element - the heating element - is removed.

The circulation pump of modern Bosch dishwashers consists of three main elements: a heater, a motor and an impeller.

The design also includes an armature, graphite bushings, and winding. What will need to be repaired? Most often, the cause of a malfunction of the recirculation pump is worn out bushings or plain bearings. Sometimes, but less often, the impeller breaks. These spare parts must be replaced; you can buy components on ad sites or from specialists.

The cause of the breakdown may also be:

  • water entering the pump winding;
  • combustion of heating elements (typical only for new generation recirculation pumps with a built-in heater).

It is necessary to begin disassembling the second half of the heat pump, with the engine. First, the lower part of its body is detached. Then the impeller is twisted. Further algorithm of actions:

  • use a screwdriver to remove the cap covering the armature;remove the cover covering the armature of the PMM pump
  • drain the water that ends up in the glass under the lid;
  • pull out the anchor;remove the PMM pump anchor
  • remove the sliding bearings from the structure, one is located in the lower part, the second is on the previously removed cover;remove the plain bearings of the PMM pump
  • put new bushings in place (they are made by craftsmen using special 3D printers);
  • Reassemble the pump in the reverse order: install the anchor in the glass, pour some water into the recess, replace the lid and impeller;
  • Connect the upper and lower parts of the recirculation pump, carefully handling the latches.

Sometimes the problem may be in the impeller itself. The plastic part breaks, you can try to solder it, but the best option is to buy and install a new spare part. You can order an element for a specific Bosch dishwasher pump on the Internet.

If the cause of the pump malfunction is a voltage drop in the network or a short circuit in the winding, then the part cannot be repaired. The pump will have to be changed. A new element is selected for a specific Bosch PMM model.Let's take out and check the circulation pump

The cost of a new recirculation pump assembly depends on the PMM model. Average price 40-50 $.A pair of graphite bushings will cost $3-5, an impeller – $3-4. Therefore, it is better to try to repair the pump than to replace the entire part.

Next, the pump is put in place, and the dishwasher is assembled in the reverse order. Having built the machine into the kitchen unit, run a test cycle. If the rocker arms begin to rotate, then the repair of the circulation pump has been carried out correctly.


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