Where to fill the air conditioner in an LG washing machine?

Where to fill the air conditioner in an LG washing machineRinse aid added during washing makes things pleasant to the touch, soft, and gives them a “delicious” aroma. The result depends directly on the quality of the product, but also on whether it was used correctly. How to add conditioner to an LG washing machine so that everything works perfectly and the quality of clothes improves after washing, and not vice versa.

Rinse aid compartment

It would seem that it makes no difference which compartment you add the product to. In fact, the machine does not accept substances from the tray simultaneously, but depending on the washing stage. So, for example, the conditioner should be used after washing, during rinsing, so what is in the corresponding section is the last thing the unit “releases” into the tank. Conversely, if you pour rinse aid into the base compartment, the machine will take it during the wash, and the product will simply be wasted, as it will be washed out with water.

LG washing machines have a tray for conditioner that is different from the others. As a rule, it is painted blue and marked with a flower symbol or some other symbol (not a Roman numeral, like other branches). This is where you need to pour the rinse aid, and into the compartment with number II - the base powder. Then everything will be fine, and things will be in excellent condition after washing.

What are the other compartments for?

So, it is clear that it is impossible to confuse the air conditioning compartment with others. It is located in the middle between two other trays. To the right of it is a cell with the Roman numeral I for soaking particularly soiled laundry.You need to add the product there if the selected program automatically involves pre-washing, or if this option is selected separately.powder cuvette compartments

To the left of the conditioner tray is a compartment with a Roman numeral II, in other words, the base compartment. Regular powder is added here for absolutely any type of washing. If you forget to add the product there, the wash will go in vain; the laundry will simply be rinsed in water several times without any chemical treatment. It is also extremely difficult to confuse the base compartment, since it differs from other compartments in capacity and volume. It takes in much more substance than the others, and much more often, so it looks different.

Don't ignore the user manual

If you still want to play it safe and find illustrated instructions for the powder receptacle, open the user manual for your LG washing machine. It always comes with the unit. Try not to lose the instructions, even if you think you won’t need them. Otherwise, you can search for information on the Internet. On forums, people post scanned copies of pages, and on the official LG website, all manuals for currently operating machines are digitized and made publicly available.

Keep the tray clean

It is very important to monitor the condition of the rinse aid compartment. For mechanical reasons, the machine may not take up the powder completely, leaving a little product inside. Subsequently, it hardens and forms a very hard coating. When there is too much plaque, real growths form, which generally prevent the machine from using air conditioning and other products. There are several ways to clean the litter tray.

  • Just take it out and scrub it with a stiff brush or washcloth.
  • Pour citric acid into all compartments and run a dry wash.
  • Pour baking soda into all compartments, and then fill it all with 9% acetic acid. Leave it in this state for 15-20 minutes, and then scrub with a brush.

After treating with baking soda and vinegar, the tray will not only be cleaned of dirt and plaque, but will also turn significantly white, returning to its original appearance (plastic tends to turn yellow due to prolonged use of powders).


1 reader comment

  1. Gravatar Alexander Alexander:

    It is in the washing machine from LG that the rinse aid compartment is made extremely unprofessionally. When it vibrates, it simply pours out. During the main wash, place in the tank, neutralizing the effects of the powder.

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