Is it possible to wash a suede jacket in the washing machine?

Is it possible to wash a suede jacket in the washing machine?Suede is one of the most capricious materials. Despite this, manufacturers are increasingly using it to design inserts or even the main material, including when sewing outerwear. The problem is that it is difficult to wash a suede jacket in a washing machine, because the material is water-resistant. How to properly care for such things to maintain their appearance?

Preliminary actions

Water is harmful to artificial and natural suede; it has a negative effect on delicate fabric. But sometimes you can still wash a suede jacket in the washing machine. Only clothes need to be pre-prepared for this procedure.

For washing at home, you should use only the fastest possible modes.

What rules should be followed when cleaning a suede jacket:

  • carefully read the information on the labels and tags, which indicate the conditions for safe washing;
  • test the suede cleaner on the sample included with each product;
  • try to remove stains and only then proceed directly to washing;
  • Before placing in the washing machine, it is necessary to empty the pockets of foreign objects, fasten the zippers and buttons;
  • It is best to wash a suede jacket in a special case;We study information from the manufacturer
  • If you cannot clean your outerwear yourself, you must resort to dry cleaning services.

Each suede jacket always comes with a fabric sample. Before using the cleaning agent, be sure to test it on this piece of material. If you lose it, use an inconspicuous part of the product to check.

Is it machine washable?

As a rule, washing suede products in a washing machine is prohibited. It is best to wash only a specific area of ​​the jacket or dry clean. However, if after exposure to a test sample the fabric is not deformed, you can try washing the entire product.

Modern washing machines have a large number of modes, among which you can find something suitable for suede. You need to choose delicate or hand wash, and set the temperature to no more than 30 degrees. Contact with water should be minimal, so find a program with a short process duration, 15 minutes is optimal.set it to 30 degrees

You cannot use automatic spin; it is better to turn it off completely. Let the rinsing be short, too, so that the suede jacket does not come into contact with water for a long time. Instead of washing powder, use washing gel or another liquid product, suitable for children's laundry and without bleach. Only place one item in the washing machine drum; do not add other items to your suede outerwear.

Consider the characteristics of the material

Clothes made of suede are easily deformed and spoiled, so you should choose the most gentle cleaning options. This requirement is relevant not only for the products used, but also for the washing program, temperature, spin, etc. Delicacy seriously distinguishes suede items from products made from other materials.

Important! Artificial suede is more demanding to care for; most often it is prohibited to wash it, because the clothes lose their shape and appearance.

The main problem that may arise after washing a faux suede jacket is shiny areas. It is almost impossible to return damaged parts to their previous condition. To avoid this, it is necessary to clean the directly contaminated areas without soaking the entire clothing.

If the jacket is seriously soiled, it can be placed in a soapy solution for a short time. Then gently brush with a brush. After this, the clothes must be hung on hangers until the water drains from them. You should do without spinning, because this will hopelessly ruin the material.removing stain from suede jacket

Cleaning a natural suede jacket is done using a liquid cleaning agent, because powder cannot be used for this purpose. Before you start washing, make sure that the gel does not contain bleach. Such delicate fabrics do not tolerate caustic chemicals. The water should be slightly warm, never use hot water. The fact is that this can lead to significant shrinkage of the jacket.

In addition, it is prohibited to use strong mechanical force. Do not scrub contaminated areas as this will result in shiny areas. When washing in a washing machine or by hand, natural suede clothing should not be wrung out.

Traditional processing

How to wash a suede jacket by hand? The basic rule is the same - contact with water should be minimal in time. Washing should be done very quickly, and it is better not to soak clean areas of clothing. Only contaminated areas should be exposed.

To delicately clean suede material, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Fill a bathtub or large basin with warm water at a temperature of no more than 35 degrees;
  • dilute the cleaning product in water and whisk it until foam forms;
  • using a sponge, apply foam to contaminated parts - cuffs, sleeves, etc.;
  • Rinse these areas with clean water.

After washing, rinse the product and allow excess water to drain for 10 minutes. These areas are then blotted with absorbent wipes or cloth. Terry towels can be used for this purpose.

Removing moisture from the item

Drying a suede jacket at home is no less problematic than washing it. The fact is that during the drying process, the item can be greatly deformed, creases and folds appear on it. The best solution would be to hang the clothes on hangers and leave them there overnight, during which time the excess water will drain.

Never use a clothesline to dry a suede jacket. A noticeable mark will remain at the point of contact with it, which will be very difficult to remove. The appearance of the item will also deteriorate if it is close to heating devices. There should be no external influence, only natural drying at normal room temperature.

Attention! The complete drying time for a suede jacket can be up to 2 days.

Pay attention to air circulation when drying; you should not hang the washed item in a closed room without access to fresh oxygen. If after washing and drying there are still creases on the jacket, you can try to remove them with steam. When there is no steamer, you can use a regular kettle with boiling to dry a suede jacket

We ensure long service life of the jacket

A long life of a suede jacket is ensured by following simple rules.They will help keep the item in its original form. What should the owner of clothing made from such a capricious material pay attention to?

  • Dry clean regularly using a special soft brush. This way you will remove a layer of dust from the surface of the material at the initial stage.
  • You should not wear suede items in wet weather, because they react extremely negatively to it.
  • You should not wash such clothes often, as they will become deformed.
  • Removing stains should occur as quickly as possible so that the material does not come into contact with water for a long time. Moreover, you should not use aggressive cleaning agents, including those containing chlorine or acetone.
  • Do not dry your suede jacket near heating appliances. This will not only ruin the shape of the product, but also its color.

After washing and drying, you must place the suede jacket in a special case. It will protect the product from dust. In addition, this way you can be sure that it will not be affected by moths.


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