Thread diameter of the hose for connecting the dishwasher to water

Thread diameter of the hose for connecting the dishwasher to waterEvery dishwasher has drain and fill hoses. The first is necessary in order to drain the used water into the sewer after the working cycle, and the second is necessary to collect clean water from the water supply before starting washing. In order to securely fasten both hoses with your own hands, you need to know exactly the diameter of the hose thread. We will analyze in detail the structure of drain and inlet hoses so that you do not have any questions with connecting new equipment at home.

Thread and other parameters of the inlet hose

Immediately after purchasing a new machine, you need to install it on a horizontal surface so that it stands level, and then connect it to all communications. There should be no problems with connecting to the electrical network, so we immediately move on to the filling hose, which supplies water to the PMM washing chamber from the system. The hose thread diameter is ¾ inch, so take this into account if you are planning renovations or any changes to the bathroom.

However, the inlet hose is needed not only to supply clean water from the water supply, but also to protect against water hammer. A similar emergency situation can occur when there is a sudden change in pressure in the pipes, so for protection, manufacturers equip the hose with additional dual systems. Such a protection system works in emergency conditions and prevents not only damage to expensive equipment, but also flooding of floors, which is usually followed by equally expensive repairs and monetary payments to neighbors for the damage caused. The protection system itself usually consists of the following elements:aquastop in Bosch dishwashers

  • an internal module called Aqua Control, consisting of a special float sensor;
  • an external element called Aqua Stop, which is an inlet valve that promptly blocks the flow of water during emergencies.

The inlet hose is almost always equipped with a technical passport, in which you can check the permissible temperature conditions and water pressure, and based on this data, select a hose for your system.

Basically, the inlet hose is created from PVC, since this is the cheapest material for making hoses. Also, connecting the dishwasher to the water supply can be done using a high-quality rubber hose. The hoses are always equipped with union nuts at the ends, and can also be reinforced, for increased reliability, and angled, for easy connection to the dishwasher.

In addition, hoses can vary in the temperature of the water they were designed to interact with. The cold water hose can withstand temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius, and the hot water hose can withstand temperatures up to 70 degrees Celsius. Elements also differ in the pressure they can withstand. So, in an apartment it is not necessary to purchase a hose designed for a pressure of more than 20 bar, and if we are talking about a private house, it will be better if the hose can withstand pressure of about 22 bar or higher.

A few words about drain hoses

Proper connection of the dishwasher to the water supply is possible only with the purchase of a suitable inlet hose, as well as a drain hose, the features of which we will talk about in this section. Typically this sleeve is made of polypropylene and often reaches a length of 5 meters or more.It will not have to deal with high pressure in the pipes, so the main requirement for such a hose is full compliance with the water fitting so that waste water goes into the sewer without any obstacles.

Such a long hose length is needed, among other things, so that PMM owners do not need to use extension cords even after rearranging the machine.

If the user wants to achieve the highest possible level of safety, the inlet hose with the Aqua Stop system can be used as a drain hose. It costs much more than an ordinary sleeve, but it is guaranteed to protect yourself, your home and your dishwasher from leaks. Perhaps it is worth remembering that it is advisable to place an additional filtration system on the drain, both in order to avoid blockages and in order to increase the “life” of the emergency valve.

Extension of hoses

Unfortunately, most often dishwasher manufacturers include rather short hoses in the kit with the device itself, the length of which will not be enough to comfortably connect household appliances. In this unpleasant situation, you will have to make a choice - buy a completely new hose of an increased size, or lengthen the current hose. The length can be increased for both the drain and the fill fixture. To do this, you will need a special coupling, which can be purchased at any hardware store. The procedure for increasing the hose is as follows:drain hose extension SM Zanussi

  • disconnect the dishwasher from all communications;
  • connect the end of the hose to the coupling;

If possible, buy only a brass coupling, as it is much higher quality and safer than plastic products.

  • Attach an extension hose from the other end of the coupling;
  • connect household appliances to communications;
  • Check the performance of the machine using a test cycle, during which pay attention to the elongated sleeve.

The process of enlarging the hose itself does not take much time and effort. The most important thing in this procedure is to securely fix the coupling at both ends, securely fastening all the clamps. Thus, the hose can be extended to the size you need, even if it exceeds 5-10 meters. But do not forget that such an increase in the hose creates additional risks of leaks, because the number of connecting points will increase, so experts do not recommend lengthening the hoses, but advise immediately purchasing a one-piece hose.


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