The start button flashes green on an Electrolux washing machine

The start button flashes green on an Electrolux washing machineIf the start button on the washer blinks green, then most likely the problem is with the electric motor. In this case, the equipment may detect damage and stop working, only continuing to flash the green light opposite the cycle start key. We will analyze this situation in detail and safe methods for eliminating it at home.

Brushes worn down

One of the most common problems with Electrolux washing machines is worn brushes that fail after about 5 years of active use of the device. This problem can be easily fixed on your own without calling a service center specialist. Moreover, the machine itself will inform the user that the brushes have worn out. How can this be understood?

  • The washing machine is frozen, its start button is blinking green, but there was no previous power outage, sudden voltage drop, or simple damage to the power cord.
  • While the drum is rotating, you can hear loud grinding noises and other sounds uncharacteristic of washing.
  • The spin performance has seriously deteriorated due to the fact that the electric motor speed has decreased.laundry stays wet
  • Washing is accompanied by a strong burning smell.
  • On the display of the Electrolux automatic SM you can see an error code indicating a malfunction of the electric motor.

Motor brushes should always be replaced in pairs, even if only one is worn.

Any of these signs may indicate failure of the electric brushes. The likelihood only increases if there are several signs at once. To test the theory, you will have to partially disassemble household appliances and carefully study the details.If the theory is confirmed, you will need to buy spare parts and install them in place of the damaged ones. This is very easy to do with your own hands, which we will discuss in detail in the following paragraphs of the article.

Getting ready to rebuild the engine

First of all, you will need to buy original Electrolux washing machine brushes. Of course, you can buy cheaper analogues, but you shouldn’t do this, because a fake will work worse and can also cause damage to your machine. After purchasing, you should prepare a set of repair tools, which can be found in any home workshop:

  • screwdrivers of different shapes;
  • a simple pencil or pen;
  • 8mm TORX wrench.TORX T20 screwdriver

Afterwards, be sure to disconnect the equipment from the power supply and water supply. Then disconnect the inlet hose, first placing a container under it to collect any waste liquid that may have remained in the hose. Finally, remove the debris filter, empty it, and remove any debris from the hole where the element was installed.

At this point the preparatory stage will be completed. All that remains is to move the Electrolux washing machine to the center of the room to gain free access to its rear side.

Changing graphite tips

The brushes are part of the commutator motor, so you will have to partially disassemble the Electrolux washing machine to get to its key unit. In the last paragraph of the article, we disconnected the device from communications, so now you can immediately get to work. You need to remove the bottom cover of the SM housing - this will give you access to the electric motor located directly under the tank. Additionally, you can remove the back panel of the Electrolux washing machine to greatly facilitate the dismantling process. What to do next?

  • Carefully remove the drive belt from the motor.Remove the drive belt
  • Disconnect the wiring connected to the motor.

Take photos of the correct wire connections to use as an example later.

  • Unscrew the bolts holding the element.How to replace a washing machine motor
  • Remove the motor itself.

Now that you have the necessary element of the Electrolux washing machine in your hands, you need to remove the damaged brushes located on the sides of the motor. Follow the instructions carefully to complete the replacement.replacing machine motor brushes

  • Unfasten the wire.
  • Move the contact down.
  • Remove the brush by gently stretching the spring.The brushes on the Electrolux engine are worn out
  • Repeat the described steps with the second electric brush.

Afterwards, all you have to do is install the new spare part onto the seat with the tip in the socket. Then compress and install the spring, cover with the contact and connect the wire. After replacement, proceed to install the motor in its place and fix the element with bolts. Pay close attention to the wiring so you don't mix anything up. Finally, put the drive belt back in place, install the back wall, as well as the top cover of the Electrolux washing machine.

At this point, the repair will be completed, the machine must be returned to its place and its performance checked using a test operating cycle. The first time after installing new brushes, you may notice some extraneous noise during washing, but it will completely disappear after the brushes “grind in.”


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