Why three compartments in a washing machine?

Why three compartments in a washing machine?Not everyone thoroughly knows all the household appliances that are installed in their home, because every day manufacturers are only making smart devices more complicated, so it can be difficult to understand them. Today we will look at the three compartments in the washing machine tray - why there are so many of them, although many people use one or two compartments for washing. What is each compartment needed for, and how to use them correctly.

Purpose of powder receptacle compartments

Basically, washing machines have a standard compartment for household chemicals, which is always similar from device to device. If you open the tray, then with a high degree of probability it will consist of 3 compartments. What can you say about them?

  • The extreme sections are designated either by Roman numerals or by the letters A and B.
  • Near the middle compartment there is a sign of a snowflake or flower.
  • The Roman numeral I or letter A indicates where detergent should be added for the pre-wash or soak phase. This is a mode for soaking clothes, in which items are kept in water for a long time in order to more effectively remove stubborn stains and any other serious dirt during the main washing stage. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the fabric of the clothing stretches and swells, household chemicals penetrate the fibers better, and it is then easier for the washing machine to remove dirt.

The prewash is not used as often as the main wash, so the Roman numeral I compartment is rarely used - mainly with long cycles for cleaning cotton or synthetics.

  • The Roman numeral II or letter B indicates the powder or gel compartment intended for the main wash.Often, housewives use only this compartment, because any washing machine washes detergent from this dispenser.powder tray in SM Bosch_2
  • Finally, a compartment with a snowflake or flower icon is installed for fabric softener, fabric softener and other household chemicals.

It is noteworthy that the powder receptacle is designed in such a way that even if it is pulled out directly while the SM is operating, nothing bad will happen, because it will simply continue to fill with water. Different compartments in the tray were invented so that the “home assistant” could promptly wash out detergents at different stages of work, without mixing them ahead of time.

Dangers of Ignoring the Powder Receiver

A situation often arises when housewives decide to ignore the powder receptacle and simply pour household chemicals directly into the drum. This is really convenient, but it is not for nothing that manufacturers recommend not to do this, because in this case the powder does not dissolve immediately even at high temperatures. And if soaked but not dissolved granules get on things, then due to a chemical reaction they can have a bad effect on the color of the clothes. To put it bluntly, noticeable white spots will simply appear on it.Should I put powder on my clothes?

If the user likes to add detergent specifically to the drum, and not to the dispenser for household chemicals, then this should be done using a special device in the form of a ball with holes. Pour the powder into it, place the ball in the drum and start the wash. This way, the detergent will not come into contact with the clothes, therefore, white stains will not appear on them. These devices can often be found complete with a washing machine.

Sometimes housewives first dissolve the powder in a glass of boiling water in order not to damage the clothes, and only then pour the resulting product into the SM drum. After this action, they wait until the solution drains into the tank through the holes in the drum, and then load the laundry and start the work cycle. This method has the right to “life”, but there is no safer way than using a powder receptacle, which is what manufacturers of detergents and household appliances advise.


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